Continue Reading April 2021
Posted in 2021

April 2021

Happy Spring! Haha, just kidding. Although we had moments of nice weather, we’ve had very winter like weather. Exciting news…

Continue Reading March 2021
Posted in 2021

March 2021

Now that spring is trying to…spring? It’s time to head out and enjoy the weather. Luke wanted to try and…

Continue Reading February 2021
Posted in 2021

February 2021

February brought us MORE SNOW! I suppose it is winter so I can’t really complain? We all met to celebrate…

Continue Reading January 2021
Posted in 2021

January 2021

Happy New year! We’re all hoping for a happier and less dramatic year considering all that happened in 2020! Starting…

Continue Reading October 2020
Posted in 2020

October 2020

Happy October! We’ll start with a picture of Doug chilling out in the family room. Why not? Luke was still…

Continue Reading September 2020
Posted in 2020

September 2020

As the summer draws to a close, we celebrate birthdays and do a little more racing. I headed out to…

Continue Reading August 2020
Posted in 2020

August 2020

In Memory of Don Muhleman Sadly, Don Muhleman passed away early on August 1st. He left us too soon and…

Continue Reading July 2020
Posted in 2020

July 2020

Happy July! As has been tradition, we picked up some fireworks and had some fun. Luke and his hair 😀…

Continue Reading June 2020
Posted in 2020

June 2020

With summer rolling in, we’re all spending as much time outdoors as we can! Luke did quite a bit of…

Continue Reading May 2020
Posted in 2020

May 2020

Rolling into May, we continue to try and stay safe and make the best of things. Arya and Andrija enjoying…

Continue Reading April 2020
Posted in 2020

April 2020

As we settle into the lockdown and everything else in the world, we try to look towards the good. Luke…

Continue Reading March 2020
Posted in 2020

March 2020

Before the world came to a stop. Early in the month, we picked up a new car for Dana. An…

Continue Reading February 2020
Posted in 2020

February 2020

Winter gave us a bit of a reprieve and we decided to head down to the lake to drive our…

Continue Reading January 2020
Posted in 2020

January 2020

Happy New year! It’s hard looking back at the beginning of 2020 knowing what comes later. Even so, we have…

Continue Reading April 2019
Posted in 2019 Anna & Layla Muhleman Our Family

April 2019

We started the month out with a soccer game on a cold weekend morning. Happy 42nd birthday to Alex. We…

Continue Reading March 2019
Posted in 2019 Our Family

March 2019

During Luke’s spring break, I took a couple of days off and we went to visit the Adler Planetarium. I…

Continue Reading February 2019
Posted in 2019 Anna & Layla Muhleman Our Family

February 2019

During February, we celebrated Anna’s 7th birthday. Dana and I went to the Chicago Auto Show during the media preview….

Continue Reading January 2019
Posted in 2019 Our Family

January 2019

Sretan Bozic! We celebrated Bozic with Baba and Djedo Later in the month, Luke’s robotics group had their second competition….

Continue Reading Meet Doug
Posted in 2018 Our Family

Meet Doug

Earlier in 2018, we had to put Ozzie to sleep. He was a good dog and we really missed him….

Continue Reading The Kart!
Posted in 2017 Our Family

The Kart!

Dana and I have been talking about getting a Kart for Luke to autocross in the Junior Kart class with…

Continue Reading July 2017
Posted in 2017 Our Family

July 2017

July was filled with 4th of July fun at Lee and Jessica’s house, including one big water balloon fight, followed…

Continue Reading June 2017
Posted in 2017 Anna & Layla Muhleman

June 2017

During June, Luke tried his hand at mowing. It looks like I’m going to have a helper soon! I’m always…

Continue Reading Happy Father’s Day ’17
Posted in 2017 Anna & Layla Muhleman Events

Happy Father’s Day ’17

Happy Father’s Day! After an autocross earlier in the day, where Luke took his first rides, we met at our…

Continue Reading Luke’s First Autocross
Posted in 2017 Our Family

Luke’s First Autocross

June 18, 2017 Luke just met the requirements to ride along during autocross runs. I wasn’t sure he’d make it…

Continue Reading Luke’s 9th Birthday
Posted in 2017 Events

Luke’s 9th Birthday

Happy Birthday Luke! After dinner, we all came back to the house for cake, ice cream and presents!

Continue Reading June 13th 2016
Posted in June 2016 Our Family

June 13th 2016

Today Luke and I went down to the park to drive our new RC trucks! We had a lot of…

Continue Reading Happy 8th Birthday Luke!
Posted in Events June 2016

Happy 8th Birthday Luke!

June 12, 2016 Today we are celebrating Luke’s 8th Birthday!

Continue Reading May 1, 2016 – Orthodox Easter
Posted in May 2016

May 1, 2016 – Orthodox Easter

Hristos Voskrese! Happy Orthodox Easter!

Continue Reading Alex’s 39th Birthday
Posted in Anna & Layla Muhleman April 2016

Alex’s 39th Birthday

Alex’s birthday celebration at Paula’s No birthday is complete without cake at Baba’s.

Continue Reading Early March, 2016
Posted in 2016 March 2016 Our Family

Early March, 2016

Here are a few pictures of Luke and I hanging out and playing.