Category: Our Family
June 20, 2014
Here are pictures from our trip to North Carolina while we visited with Aunt Dawn. Luke had some form of…
June 16, 2014 – Luke loses his first tooth!
Luke’s wiggly tooth finally came out during t-ball practice tonight!
June 13, 2014
I took Luke to day care today and enjoyed a father’s day breakfast.
June 12, 2014 – Happy 6th Birthday Luke!
Happy Birthday Luke! We celebrated Luke’s 6th birthday today with family.
June 8, 2014
Grandpa Don and Grandma Nancy came to town to visit.
June 4, 2014
Today was Luke’s Kindergarten recognition. It’s hard to believe he’s already finished kindergarten!
June 1-2, 2014
A few random pictures through early June.
May 2014 – Sports
Luke wrapped up spring soccer and started t-ball shortly after.
May 2014
A collection of pictures through May.
May, 2014 – New Family Room Floor
I installed a new floor in our family room. It took a few days but the it turned out really…
May 14, 2014
Luke’s school held an end of year musical.
May 12, 2014
Today was grandparent’s day at Luke’s School. Baba and Memaw came to visit!
May 10, 2014
Happy Anniversary! Dana and I’s 7th and Baba and Djedo’s 40th!
April 20, 2014 – Happy Easter!
Happy Easter! We had a busy day going to church and spending time with family. The kids enjoyed an Easter…
April 19, 2014
We met with the girls today to attend an Easter egg hunt the county hosted. Later, we went to Baba’s…
April 18, 2014
Luke and I went and flew his kit for the first time this year. It was such a wonderful spring…
Easter Bunny 2014
April 2014
Here are a few pictures from April.
April 13, 2014
Today was round two of my Birthday at Memaw’s house with the girls and family.
April 12, 2014
Happy Birthday Alex! We celebrated my birthday at Baba’s house.
April 11, 2014
Since it was such a nice day, we took a walk down to the park to play.
March 2014
With the weather still too cold to spend any time outside, Luke and I found plenty to do to occupy our…
March 15, 2014
We’ve had enough of the winter! It was warm enough for us to go out and play.
March 9, 2014
We stopped at Men’s Warehouse today to get Luke fitted for the tux he would wear in Ryan and Megan’s…
March 2, 2014
At this point, it seemed like winter was never going to end!
February 2014
A collection of picture from February. From family visits, playing in the show, and making crafts for Valentine’s Day, to washing cars…
February 1, 2014 – Anna’s 2nd Birthday Party
Family and friends gathered together for Anna’s 2nd Birthday Party.
January 26, 2014
Today was St. Elija’s St. Sava program. Luke participated in the activities.
January 13-23, 2014
A few random January 2014 pictures of Luke being Luke having a good time.