Luke’s First Autocross

June 18, 2017

Luke just met the requirements to ride along during autocross runs. I wasn’t sure he’d make it so I made no promises that he would be riding with me today. Once we made it to the event, we checked with our safety steward and he ok’ed Luke to ride. He was a great passenger! Granted, he’s been riding with me since before he was born. It’s possible he’s used to that kind of driving 😉

He’s definitely been bitten by the bug! Now we need to get him a kart to run in the formula junior. Stay tuned!

Luke was a champ through the run and didn’t make a peep. He said he held his breath but we’ll never know!

This video is of an autocross in July. I thought I would add it here so you can hear him enjoying the ride!

Author: Alex

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