Through October, I managed to get back into my bigger builds. I sprayed the Ford with clear, sanded and polished it. Shortly after, I masked and sprayed the window trim and running boards then followed that with bare metal foil. While I had the foil out, I finished the window trim on the 66 Chevelle.
Speaking of the 66 Chevelle, I managed to find the kit’s steering column. The kits column is much shorter than the one I found and used. I painted the column and later pulled apart the interior to swap in the correct column where I almost destroyed the steering wheel in the process! The frame and headliner were also masked and sprayed.
Round 2 of the chassis work for the 34 Ford was more successful. I masked and sprayed what I didn’t want in gloss black.
By the end of the month, I found time and motivation to make excellent progress on a few builds.