This was a kit that I built in 1996. It was my first attempt at a “custom”. I had shaved a bit of trim and in the process, ended up losing the door lines. I was never really happy with the way it turned out so I decided to rebuild it.
The comparison shot reveals most of the changes. I used ’65 Corvette wheels. I chopped the suspension as far as it would go. I then cut out the pillar creating a “coupe”. I also cut out the bar in the front window. Using body filler, I filled in all of the trim around the windows to make a very clean edge. I also scribed door lines which go well with the pillar-less look. The color is a “flip flop” that we carried at the hobby shop several years ago.
The final result is much better than I had hoped. The color is perfect and the lines are super clean.
Originally built: 1996
Reworked: October 2008