Moving along! Although I didn’t need to start MORE projects last month, doing so reignited my motivation to build. Not only did I make good progress on new projects, I also moved forward with old projects. I even dusted off a very old project that was started some time in 2005!
During November, I nearly finished the VW Bus and the CRX. The bus was cleared along with the 68 Vette. I also pulled out my 70 Roadrunner and sprayed it with Scale Finished F8 green. Paint job 2 on the Roadrunner turned out considerably better than the first time. I also tried my hand at using flocking for carpeting in the CRX. For my first attempt, it turned out decent. I also finished more detail work on the Buick.
The most significant progress this month was the work completed on my 1:18 scale diecast Civic. I started it in 2005 and never could get it finished. After burying the body in paint, it sat for a number of years. A few years back, I stripped the body, painted the interior and set it back in the corner. Recently, I reworked the body filler but still couldn’t get traction. This month, I managed to hit it hard. I finished the last of the body work, primed it and sprayed color. I let the parts bake in my dehydrator and ended up with strange pinholes that I can only guess are from the paint gassing out. Next month, I found that I could sand out the imperfections and it was ready for clear.
Next month, more progress and finished projects!