The Bench – December 2016

December tends to be the time of year when I push to finish projects. I have a “goal” of trying to complete five kits a year. In the past, I’ve rushed through simple builds or going with a rat-rod satin finish that doesn’t require a lot of effort just to make my “numbers”. I didn’t do that this year.

Although I didn’t spend much of this year building, I did pick up the pace in the last quarter. In doing so, I was able to finish two very old projects and knock out a recently started kit.

This month, I wrapped up the VW Bus and 1st gen CRX. The bus was down to attaching the last of the trim pieces, license plates and touch-up. I decided to give flocking a try on the CRX interior. For my first attempt, it turned out ok. I realize I should have practiced more prior to committing to a project. I had finished sanding and polishing the CRX last month which left me with all of the detail work. Once I focused on the CRX, I was able to finish it quickly.

I also helped my son by finishing the crazy paint on his Boss 302 Mustang. The paint scheme was nothing I would ever do on my own, but it did give me a chance to see how well I could mask a multi colored paint job that didn’t use existing body lines. I’ll need this on my MKI Golf race car.

I also managed to finish the die-cast Civic that I started in 2005. I had restarted work on the body a few months earlier and only had minor details to finish. Once that was done, it was time for primer, color and clear. I did have some challenges with the color and clear but sanding and polishing knocked them out. With the body complete, I masked and sprayed the trim. I also took the time to add detail to the dashboard and door panels. Having just finished carpet flocking on the CRX, I decided that this project needed it as well. The flocking work on this build turned out really well! I also detail painted the engine. While piecing the Civic together, I realized I was missing a few parts. I managed to find them stashed with another aborted die-cast project. I also detail painted the wheels and scrapped the plastic exhaust tip for an aluminum tube. Finishing this long build, started 11 years ago, was very satisfying!

Models completed this year:

1st Gen Honda CRX Si
1966 VW Bus
1:18 Scale Diecast Honda Civic Coupe